Human Resources

ACA OnDemand

Express Data supplies companies with the power to make the best decisions with ACA OnDemand. Educate and keep up to date on the complexities of the Affordable Care Act with Apex’s ACA OnDemand.

ACA OnDemand allows for documentation of an employer’s decisions, tracking of those decisions on a monthly basis, and annual IRS reporting so that clients can make the best decisions for their business. By having ACA compliance documents at your fingertips, you can document an ACA strategy, track employee hours, and create the documentation necessary to avoid costly penalties.

Express Data Systems can consult with your company on Affordable Care Act compliance. We are well versed in the ACA and deliver solutions and tools to help your company navigate the Act.


How it Works:


HOW Express Data’s ACA Reporting Essentials Aids an Employer

Call Express Data Systems
at (610) 495-7166 or contact us online

to schedule an introductory meeting and find out how Express Data Systems can enhance your HR offering and make your life easier!